Musical Monday:In The Name Of Love

Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.

 Martin Luther King Jr.

This needs no more words....

Click here to join in on musical Monday hosted by :Diane!


  1. Interesting and appropriate for today! Thanks for sharing the video.

  2. Great tribute and a great song. I have a MLK post today too. Come check it out.

    Happy MM!

  3. Love u2 and this was a great song to couple with Dr. Kings speech. Thanks for this today! Happy MM & MLK day!

  4. Wow, I very nearly picked this song for my musical Monday! Fantastic choice. Happy MM!

  5. Great selections for the day!!!

  6. Thank you guys for stopping by and for spreading the comment love!!Happy MLK day!


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