Friday Funnies:About Weight Loss

But's no joking matter.I need to stay on my food plan and get not only my weight under control,but my blood glucose as well.I know the consequences of obesity.I don't want to have a heart attack or stroke.
I saw a segment of ExtraTV tonight,which I don't normally  watch.There was a woman on the show that lost 300 lbs. using the book "Eat Clean" by Tosca Reno.
Now ,I've been thinking about getting lap band.But I'd really like to try losing the weight without going through all that.I know it can be done.The problem is  want immediate results,and that is unrealistic.I've read tons of weightloss and nutritional books.I know what I should be doing.I need to do it.Now.
No more games...because truthfully,I feel crappy!
I think I will go check out this "Eat Clean "book.A little inspiration won't hurt!
I know that humour helps make anything a little easier to cope with,that's why I chose Friday Funnies to talk about my weight  loss thoughts.If you're reading this and you want to share a funny ,a  weight loss tip,a thought etc with me ,please leave a comment or feel free to email me at

Keep laughing!It makes life more enjoyable!


  1. Hello :)

    I'm your partner on Swap bot for the "be my follower on blogger" swap, hope you have a wonderful day and I look forward to reading your blog.


    P.S. I love all the comics you have on this post! What a wonderful post

  2. Weight loss is always one of my goals so this was definitely a great, funny post. I really should stick to a diet. Mine tends to be "eat this and eat something healthier later" haha~

    I'm zerofantasies from swap-bot and one of your partner for the blog follower swap. Please rate when you can~ Oh and my blog is if you'd like to check it out.

  3. Hi,
    I'm CJGrand from Swap-bot and I'm one of your partners in the Be my blog follower on Blogger.

    Love your weight loss funnies. I really need to get my weight under control too. I've gained an awful lot in the past few years.

  4. Hi! This is thesimplecountrychick from swap-bot. I look forward to following your blog. Your funnies make me laugh.

  5. Hehe, those cartoons are so funny! I totally need to take your lead and jump on the diet bandwagon after a bingy christmas :s
    hope your start to new year is going well and good luck!
    p.s. i am sewgorgeous from the swap-bot blogger swap :)


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