Musical Monday::Make Someone Happy::By Jimmy Durante

This is my birthday twin,Vida. She turned 83 yesterday!
She's a very sweet lady .One of my favorites that comes into our office.Her husband passed away a few months ago and even though she has 24  hour care,she's feels confused and  lonely...
It brought me tremendous joy to spend a little time with her for our birthday.She was so happy and that made me happy.
I believe there's so much we can do to make a difference in someone's life.It doesn't have to be a big thing and it means so much!
What makes you

Lyrics | Durante, Jimmy - Make Someone Happy lyrics

Click here to see more Musical Monday posts hosted by the awesome Diane:


  1. Happy birthday to both of you sweethearts...

  2. Happy birthday! That is so nice to have a birthday twin, and to share the day together, that would make me happy too!

    What makes me happy is also making other people happy whenever i see my daughter smile it makes me smile.

  3. That is one true song :)
    My boyfriend makes me happy just be being there as do my pets. The winter makes me happy because it's fully of snow (not rain like the last ten). And the bookshop makes me happy by getting my books overnight ;)

  4. Happy Bday! Wish you all the best

  5. happy birthday to two beautiful ladies!!! this was a very nice MM! i really enjoyed it!

  6. What a sweet gift! How thoughtful of you to spend the day with someone who truly needed to feel loved! God bless you.

    Happy Birthday and Happy MM! :-)

  7. Well Happy BD to you both! what a great song Durante always did have a nose for good songs! LOL!

  8. Hau`oli La Hanau to you both. What a terrific post my friend. I love this song and it just fit perfectly. You are awesome. I hope you both had a great day and have a wonderful week ahead :)


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