Musical Monday ~All Dogs Go To Heaven,"I Will Always Be With You"

I started out my new year with a broken heart.One of my dogs,my favorite in fact ,stumbled down a flight of stairs and broke his little neck. =( I cried and cried the first two days of the year. His name was Scooby and I had him for two years.The family that owned him before had him for 9 years and were eager to give him up.I never quite understood that...He was supposed to go to a shelter,but my daughter Ashley begged me to let Scooby come live with us.The minute I laid eyes on him I fell in love. For two years that little guy was my shadow!Each day when I came home from work he and my other dogs greeted me with joy.He pranced and danced around for me and put his little paws on my legs so that I would pick him up.I carried him around like a baby=) and pampered him!I miss him so much!
We gave each other two great years and he will always be in my heart. I know he's on the other side,with my other pets that have gone before him. Someday we'll be reunited.
R.I.P Scooby.I know you will always ,always be with me!

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  1. i am so sorry to hear this :( but, all doggies DO go to heaven you know.

    i hope your year starts getting better!

  2. How sad, I'm sorry to hear about your precious Scooby. The song is a nice tribute.

  3. Thank you for the stopping by and for the kind words!I do believe animals do go to heaven!

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never easy saying goodbye to our four legged companions. Good song choice for the occasion.

  5. I'm so sorry to read that Scobby passed away. I think this is a perfect song in remembrance of him. Wishing you all the best for 2010.

  6. Oh my friend. I'm so sorry about Scobby. May he rest in peace. I'm am so sure that that memories you have of him will get you past this difficult time. Just be strong and carry the memory with you forever. He's looking down and you and smiling I'm sure. I send you all the Aloha and Sunshine I can. Fitting song and thank you for sharing. :) Much aloha :)

  7. Oh my -- I'm so sorry for your loss. That's such a lovely song to pick for him though.

  8. Carly I am terribly sorry for your loss we lost our Rotti last year and it was devastating it always is when you loose a child and that's what they are children. Scooby was loved that's what matters. Will be thinking of you.


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