Musical Monday:One Love by Bob Marley

One  Love! One heart let's get together and feeeeel alright!!!!
         ♥        ♥               ♥                ♥                      ♥                        ♥                       ♥

,This one is longer!

I love Musical Monday more each week!I am so glad that Diane hosts this every Monday over at
Good Mourning Glory!Thanks to her I actually look forward to my Mondays!Thanks Diane!
I really have fallen in  love with blogs and bloggingIt's an awesome feeling to be able to visit blogs from all over the states and all over the world!I am feeling even more inspired by the blog event that's being hosted right now called One world One heart~participating in that gave me the inspiration to pick this song by Mr.Bob Marley for this week's Musical Monday! If you're  justa tiny bit curious about One World One heart blog event,go on over to check it out  here Photo
you won't regret it!

Have a wonderful Monday!!!!
Keep on dancing through your week!


  1. I love this song. Bob Marley is one of my favorites and Legend is always on my playlist.

    That One World, One Heart blogging event is pretty spectacular. WTG

  2. You can't help feel good - listening to Bob Marley sing - this song brings back some great memories from my college days way back when...


  3. There is nothing better than Bob Marley! Great choice!! Happy MM!

  4. saw the "international" version on tv...just awesome.

  5. Awesome! Mood lifting music, for sure. Thanks!

  6. Oh how I love Marley... and the international one I've sent round the globe (via email) multiple times... it's simply amazing... love your posts!


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