Friday Funnies: meet Cathy Thorne

It isn't  all that easy finding cute and funny cartoons on line you know??? I swear I spent over two hours on the look out for something to post tonight.Finally I came upon this website:
It's by Cathy Thorne.I thought the cartoons were cute and I got a chuckle because I think many women can relate to her humor.Check out her web site. I "fanned" her on FaceBook.This way I'll get to see what new cartoons she's come out with.Here are a few.Enjoy!

Laughter is the best medicine and I need lots of it!
Hope you enjoyed my Friday funnies!
Keep laughter in your life!



  1. I love these!!! Thanks for the laugh! One Woman's Haven from Swap-bot...I am now following.

  2. Very cute! I especially liked the one about the old school cleavage. Exactly why I hate low-riding jeans!

  3. These were hilarious... I liked the cleavage and the bottled water/chocolate ones best.


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