Musical Monday: Be Ok

I’m finally participating in Musical Monday  again after what seems like forever. It has not been that long really. I just have been feeling very uninspired lately, thus no blog entries!

This song by Ingrid Michaelson without doubt represents my feelings for the past year. My depression has been getting worse over the last few months and I hate to feel this way. I truly just want to be okay!

I really do. Being depressed is a drag .It makes me feel so negative , hopeless and guilty. It’s all such a waste of time. I realize all this and yet I can’t shake it. I’ve tried all the meds. None of them seem to work really. Maybe I need something other than meds…Yes, probably. I keep searching for the answers and
I keep reminding myself  to be mindful of my blessings and the fact that you can’t change the past and it’s a must to keep moving forward.
Some days though it’s so hard to stay positive. But I will keep trying and hope that “I will be ok”.
I have to be for the sake of my family.
Meanwhile I will listen to inspiring music like the one shared by all the wonderful bloggers that participate in Musical Monday.

Musical Monday is hosted by Diane over at ,Check it out!


  1. Visiting from MM - great pick to start the week. Hope you have a wonderful day

  2. Welcome back to MM! I love Ingrid Michaelson. She's coming to Tampa this week and I'm hoping my DH surprises me with some tickets.

    Depression is a vicious beast and I hope you over come whatever is weighing you down.

  3. You'll find the answers and you will be ok sweetie I am sure of it!

  4. i was gonna say you'll be ok, but really, you already ARE!! tell all that cloudiness around you to kiss off. you can already almost see past it anyway, and you know you deserve better. try to just dive headfirst into something you know is positive. go all in. yeah, it's sorta a 'fake it till you make it' technique, but sometimes it works.

    more and more lately i'm feeling ok because i've been clinging a lot more to my spirituality. and i quit taking my medicine.

    i'm here for you!!!

  5. Carly;

    My son also suffers from depression, it's a struggle most days for him too. Hang in there,keep searching for the right medicine. My son takes a combo of two meds.
    I love your song, I've heard it before but it has new meaning to me now!

  6. Never heard that before but it's excellent!!!!

    Depression is the worst...if I had a magic solution I'd share it...after first using it myself.

  7. I like this song - depression is hard to overcome - I pray for you to be joyful once again.

    Love to you.


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